Dallas Parks and Recreation Bond Program Construction Management, TX

Construction Management

Role: Joint Venture

AZ&B is providing Construction Management services for the $261.8 million 2017 Dallas Bond Program. The Program consists of approximately 1,400 projects organized into ten propositions, and is planned to be substantially completed over five years. Propositions within the program will fund transitional and permanent supportive housing to target chronic homelessness, rapid rehousing for the elderly, the disabled, and families with children and day centers. AZ&B responsibilities include pre-construction bidding, construction phase services, and acting as an extension of City staff. Services rendered include managing change orders; pay applications; non-conformance reports; RFI’s; critical path and schedule items; reports and disputes; the construction close out phase and resolving pending items; construction punch lists; and final walk-through items with a contractor.

Construction Estimate

$261.8 million


    • Construction Management